Days may be growing shorter and evenings just a touch cooler, but tomato season is still going strong. Our stacked Caprese will have your friends oohing and aahing when it arrives at the table, although we promise you it is one of the easiest dishes you will ever prepare. The key is using the freshest tomatoes you can find, so the time is now.
Stacked Tomato and Mozzarella Caprese Salad. Photo by Frances Janisch for The Fire Island Cookbook.
Stacked Tomato and Mozzarella Caprese Salad
There are few starters that are as dramatic and so easy to make. Using perfectly ripe tomatoes and freshly made mozzarella you can create a delicious architectural delight. Although this is a signature dish from the island of Capri, we first had this layered presentation in Porto Palo on the island of Sicily. Fresh basil, peppery olive oil and sea salt bring out the earthy quality of the delicious tomatoes that grow in the island’s mineral rich volcanic soil.
- 8 medium tomatoes
- 64 well washed basil leaves
- 2 one pound balls fresh mozzarella cheese
- ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
- coarse ground sea salt
- 8 bamboo skewers
Wash and dry the tomatoes. Cut the bottoms off of each (so that they can stand upright on the plate) and discard. Slice each tomato horizontally into four slices. Keep each tomato together and set aside. Horizontally slice each fresh mozzarella ball into 12 equal slices, for a total of 24. Begin assembly by placing the bottom slice of each tomato in the center of a medium sized plate. Salt lightly. Top with a slice of mozzarella and two basil leaves. Add another slice of tomato and repeat until each stacked Caprese salad is complete. Carefully spear each with a bamboo skewer, garnish with the remaining basil leaves and set aside. Do not refrigerate if you plan on serving in the next 90 minutes. When ready to serve, drizzle each with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with a bit of sea salt.
Wine Pairing: Frei Brothers Reserve Russian River Chardonnay
Delightful crisp flavors of green apple and ripe stone fruits are accented by a touch of toasted brioche and creamy butter. The creaminess will hold up to the cheese, while strong acidity is ideal with ripe tomato.
From THE FIRE ISLAND COOKBOOK Copyright © 2012 by The World Wine Guys, LLC published by Atria Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.